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Fighting against floods and ensuring communication | Huijue takes the lead

Aug 30, 2023

On July 27, 2023, the unprecedented heavy rain and flooding caused by Typhoon "Dusu'er" had a devastating impact on Hebei Province. A total of 110 counties (cities, districts) were affected, resulting in an economic loss exceeding 95.8 billion yuan.

In every major emergency disaster relief operation, communication support is recognized as the "second lifeline." A stable information channel is crucial to promptly, accurately, and smoothly transmit firsthand information, provide feedback on the situation on the ground, and offer the most reliable decision-making basis for the composition of subsequent rescue forces, determination of rescue equipment configuration, and distribution of materials.


As one of the major telecom operators, Hebei Mobile quickly launched comprehensive flood control and rescue efforts and organized emergency repairs for post-disaster reconstruction. Hebei Mobile, from its provincial company to the group, paid close attention to and attached great importance to this post-disaster reconstruction project.


On August 23, 2023, Shanghai Huijue Network, as one of the suppliers for Hebei Mobile, urgently procured the second batch of communication support materials and sent them to the disaster area, ensuring the prompt restoration of communication facilities.


In the face of flood relief, it's everyone's responsibility. Shanghai Huijue Network joins hands with the people of Hebei to overcome difficulties and navigate through these challenging times.

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Founded in 2002, Huijue Networks is a high-tech service manufacturer integrating intelligent network communication equipment and an integrated application of computer intelligent network communication systems.

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